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July 12, 2004

horrible screaming monkeys

If The Onion hired Emo Phillips and Pee-Wee Herman to do their editorials, then it might turn out something like Fafblog. It's bizarre at first, but once you get past the odd characters and grammatic white noise the cutting political humor emerges, like the young lady becoming the old lady. Or something.

My favorite so far is from their interview with Ralph Nader:

FB: Now Howard Dean has criticized you for takin money from a Republican corporate lobbyist.
NADER: Howard Dean was an insurgent, now he's a detergent!
FB: Hohoho! I don't get that one.
NADER: Listen: it's all very simple. When Democrats take dirty corporate money from dirty corporations, it taints them irrevocably. When I take money from the same corporations, I eat it and then excrete it in the form of pure white energy which then is added to my aura of holy goodness which I will than use to fight those corporations.
FB: Wow! That's amazing!

Oh, and the optical illusion reference is because I found a new, disturbing illusion today. Mind-altering, man...

Posted by Chris at July 12, 2004 03:04 PM


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